• September 28, 2022

Technical Assistance Funding Allocated to High and Very High Park-Need Areas in Los Angeles County

Technical Assistance Funding Allocated to High and Very High Park-Need Areas in Los Angeles County

Technical Assistance Funding Allocated to High and Very High Park-Need Areas in Los Angeles County 1024 576 RPOSD

On July 14, 2022, RPOSD announced the allocation of over $9 million in Measure A funds to 30 Los Angeles County cities and unincorporated communities with the highest park needs for technical assistance services. The funding aimed to stimulate park projects that added new parkland in areas with significantly less park acreage than the Los Angeles County average, per the County Parks Needs Assessment. The funding allocation could be used in the following areas:

  • To conduct a land inventory to determine acquisition potential for new parkland; 
  • To fund due diligence and pre-acquisition real estate negotiations related to land acquisition; and 
  • To conduct elements related to new park development for vacant land including community outreach and engagement, design, and project and construction management. 

RPOSD established the Technical Assistance Program (TAP) to assist entities with the highest park needs in developing eligible park projects and competitive applications for its Measure A grant programs or other funding opportunities, such as local, state, federal, and private funding, with a nexus to Measure A. Through TAP, these entities were connected with qualified professional consultants who guided and supported them through the stages of park project development, with the costs reimbursed by Measure A.

Technical Assistance Program

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