Manage Your Grant
Measure A
A diverse variety of funding programs exist under Measure A and all aspects of their management takes place digitally in our Grants Management System (GMS).
This page navigates through all the resources available to help our grantees and provide them with the tools necessary to maintain Good Standing with RPOSD.
Measure A Funding Programs
Measure A funds are derived from an annual special tax on property within Los Angeles County. Measure A funds are distributed into seven funding categories as outlined in the Resolution. Each funding category supports a specific funding program(s).
Annual Allocations are distributed using set formulas to each Study Area in Los Angeles County based on the Parks Need Assessment (PNA). The Annual Allocation Grant Programs are:
- Community-based Park Investment Program
- Neighborhood Parks, Healthy Communities, & Urban Greening Program
- Allocation to Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors
- Allocation to Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation
- County Cultural Facilities Program
- County Priority Projects Program
Competitive Grant Programs are designed to bridge the equity gap and invest in eligible programmatic or capital projects consistent with or similar to those identified in the PNA. The grants have their own cyclical award schedules, ranging from annual to once every four years. All eligible entities may apply, and the grant are awarded based on merits of their applications. These grant programs are:
- Natural Lands, Local Beaches, Water Conservation and Protection
- Regional Recreation, Multi-Use Trails and Accessibility
- Youth & Veteran Job Training and Placement
- Recreation Access
- Acquisition-Only
The Technical Assistance Program (TAP) was established to assist agencies and organizations in developing eligible multi-benefit park projects and programs and strong applications for our grants. TAP has a multi-prong approach to promoting park equity, most notably support for grant writing and application, planning and design, innovation, and construction management.
The Maintenance and Servicing Program (M&S) is designed to support RPOSD-funded capital outlay projects that are maintained and operated in perpetuity per the grant agreement. This program is supported by M&S funds that are administered separately from RPOSD’s grant programs.