Glendale Central

The project involves the design and installation of outdoor and indoor fitness equipment at three park facilities in the City of Glendale. At the Glendale Heritage Garden, an existing little-used children’s play structure will be removed and exercise machines will be installed. At Pacific Community Center, an underused meeting room will be converted to a gymnasium with the installation of indoor fitness equipment. At the Adult Recreation Center, an unused portion of Central Park adjacent to the Center will be converted to an outdoor fitness center with the installation of exercise stations.

201 East Colorado St
Glendale, CA 91205

Start Date: 11/30/1994
End Date: 03/31/2017 (projected)
Awarded Amount: $3,000,000+
Stage: Active projects includes: Fitness in the Parks

Construction of a new adult recreation center building to replace an existing, outdated 9,950 square foot senior center. Improvements will include new community rooms; an updated kitchen; game rooms; counseling rooms; classrooms; restrooms; an exercise room; outdoor recreation areas; outdoor seating and game areas; and landscape and hardscape.

Construction of a new 19,100 square foot facility to replace an existing 9,950 square foot Senior Center with an additional 13,500 square feet of programmable outdoor space including patios, terraces, and gardens facility.

Improvements to tennis court facilities to include: Resurfacing of 19 tennis courts and replacement of court lighting at Glorietta, Central, Fremont, Maple, Montrose, Emerald Isle and Nibley Parks; and Installation of a pre-fabricated restroom and bleachers at Glorietta Park tennis area.

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