As 2024 comes to a close, the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District (RPOSD) reflects on a year of significant progress toward creating green spaces where everyone can breathe freely, play safely, and connect with nature. Looking ahead to 2025, RPOSD is excited to scale our impact by awarding tens of millions of dollars to communities throughout the County. We can’t wait to share more about what we have planned.
Parks are essential parts of our communities, embodying our shared values and aspirations. Here’s to another year of advancing stronger, more equitable park systems and creating spaces that bring us closer to each other and to nature.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to our grantees for creating places where communities across Los Angeles County come together to make lasting memories. Your commitment to enhancing park access and revitalizing open spaces has touched countless lives and strengthened our neighborhoods.
Warm wishes for a joyful and green New Year!

- Awarded $42.2M in Grants: These funds supported new green spaces and improved ones. You can see all of our investments here.
- Released the Updated Grants Administration Manual (GAM): We kicked off 2024 with the release of an updated GAM, providing streamlined procedures for Measure A grant applications and administration. This update is already helping grantees navigate the process more efficiently. See it
- Streamlined Annual Allocation Funding: A new and vastly simplified process has helped cities utilize their grant funding faster, reduced processing times, and made it easier for communities to access funding. View our Master Agreement process here.
- Technical Assistance Program (TAP) Success Stories: We provided funding to 27 cities in the areas of highest park need, along with technical assistance aimed at increasing open space where it is most needed. Learn more about TAP here.
- Hosted the First Link into TAP Live! Event: This inaugural gathering at Magic Johnson Park connected park professionals from underserved communities, sharing strategies to develop new parks and improve accessibility.
- $17.4M for Acquisition-Only Competitive Grants: With the release of our Acquisition-Only Competitive Grant program earlier this year, we are on the brink of announcing $17.4M in funding to secure land for new parks, trails, and conservation areas. The awardees, and the areas of new parkland, will be announced in early 2025. Stay tuned for very exciting news!
- Invested in Program Grants: Through our Youth and Veteran Job Training Program, we funded the training and placement of 165 youth and veterans as the next generation of park and recreation professionals. In addition, 20,181 Los Angeles County residents benefitted from outings and programs aimed to increasing access to our parklands through our funding for our Recreation Access Program. Learn about upcoming grant programs here.
- Welcomed New Citizens Oversight Board Members: Our board members bring fresh and diverse perspectives to provide guidance to RPOSD and ensure transparency and accountability. Learn more about our Measure A Citizens Oversight Advisory Board here.
- Grants Management System Replacement: We are close to completing a competitive Request for Proposals for a new grants management system and anticipate selecting a new contractor in mid-2025. The new system is the final component necessary to fully implement RPSOD’s goal of efficient and smart grant making.
- Fostered Equity and Accessibility: From technical support to competitive grants, RPOSD worked tirelessly to advance park equity and bring meaningful projects throughout LA County!
Here’s to an impactful 2025! Thank you, from all of us at RPOSD!