The general public can attend this Advisory Board meeting in person or virtually through Microsoft Teams.
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Meeting ID: 215 905 627 447
Passcode: S7h4Kr
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Or call in (audio only)
+1 323-776-6996,,730589488# United States, Los Angeles
Phone Conference ID: 730 589 488#
If you require disability-related modification, including auxiliary aids or materials in alternate formats, please contact us or refer to the instructions on the agenda posted. A 3-day notice is requested.
Ofertas limitadas de traducción al Español. Para más información por favor comuníquese con Linda Resendez al número (626) 588- 5025.
For all relevant materials and information regarding this public meeting, including the agenda and Advisory Board Guide, please go to our Advisory Board page. This page can also be located under the “Work with Us” tab on our menu bar.
Public comments may be submitted prior to the meeting on the page. Deadlines do apply – please review section for more details.